Tuesday, September 16, 2008


so, here we go....

why did i name the blog underthink? well this blog is an attempt to share what has been shared with me until now in a positive way that i hope will enrich others.

underthink as in don't overthink it is an aspect to living easy. don't think about it, don't worry about it, don't stress about it. sure there's things i am forced to think about on a daily basis that i'd rather not have to but you have to pay the bills right? i'm really talking more about how in many given situations people tend to overthink stuff and moreover how this stuff effects them which causes more thinking and normally a waste of energy and reaction that really is for what.....them. Well hey, they were them at the beginning and them at the end with a whole lot of energy in between. So next time something happens to you and you begin to go through that process of how it will effect you, let it go, who cares? let that driver merge, hell! let them cut you off cause once its happened, its happened, there is no changing it, you will still be you before and after you flip them off, or argue for your ego.

underthink, live it level.

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